Study in Canada

Study Guide:

Canada is perhaps the most sought-after global educational destination as it offers the best colleges, world-class universities, post-study work, and migration options. The Government has a stronghold on the education industry ensuring high academic standards and rigorous quality controls. Education in Canada is based on the British model which implies top-notch teaching methods, practical sessions, and high research work. Canada is one of the pioneers in humanities, engineering, natural sciences, and high technologies courses.

A student has 180 days after receiving the final marks to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP). The Post-Graduate Work Permit lets international students reside and work in Canada for up to three years after graduating. After working in Canada for one year, international graduates may apply for permanent residency.

Life in Canada:

With over two million beautiful lakes, vast mountain ranges, glaciers and marvelous landscapes, Canada is perfect for a quality life. It is home to cosmopolitan cities that are multicultural, safe, and friendly for any outsiders to call it as a home.

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